Source code for qtrio._exceptions

"""A central location to define QTrio specific exceptions and avoid introducing
inter-module dependency issues."""
import sys
import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING or "sphinx_autodoc_typehints" in sys.modules:
    from qts import QtCore

[docs]class QTrioException(Exception): """Base exception for all QTrio exceptions."""
[docs]class NoOutcomesError(QTrioException): """Raised if you try to unwrap a :class:`qtrio.Outcomes` which has no outcomes."""
[docs]class EventTypeRegistrationError(QTrioException): """Base class for various event type registration exceptions to inherit from."""
[docs]class EventTypeRegistrationFailedError(EventTypeRegistrationError): """Raised if the attempt to register a new event type fails.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( "Failed to register the event hint, either no available hints remain or the" + " program is shutting down." )
[docs]class RequestedEventTypeUnavailableError(EventTypeRegistrationError): """Raised if the requested event type is unavailable.""" def __init__( self, requested_type: typing.Union[int, "QtCore.QEvent.Type"], returned_type: typing.Union[int, "QtCore.QEvent.Type"], ) -> None: super().__init__( f"Failed acquire the requested type ({requested_type}), got back" + f" ({returned_type}) instead." )
[docs]class EventTypeAlreadyRegisteredError(EventTypeRegistrationError): """Raised when a request is made to register an event type but a type has already been registered previously.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( "An event type has already been registered, this must only happen once." )
[docs]class ReturnCodeError(QTrioException): """Wraps a QApplication return code as an exception.""" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if type(self) != type(other): return False # TODO: workaround for if not isinstance(other, type(self)): # pragma: no cover return False return self.args == other.args
[docs]class InternalError(QTrioException): """Raised when an internal state is inconsistent."""
[docs]class UserCancelledError(QTrioException): """Raised when a user requested cancellation of an operation."""
class RunnerTimedOutError(QTrioException): """Raised when a :class:`qtrio.Runner` times out the run."""
[docs]class InvalidInputError(QTrioException): """Raised when invalid input is provided such as via a dialog."""
class DialogNotActiveError(QTrioException): """Raised when attempting to interact with a dialog while it is not actually available. """
[docs]class QTrioWarning(UserWarning): """Base warning for all QTrio warnings."""
[docs]class ApplicationQuitWarning(QTrioWarning): """Emitted when the Qt application quits but QTrio is expecting to manage the application lifetime. See the documentation on :ref:`the application lifetime <lifetime>` for more information. """