
While developing it is important to make certain that the existing tests continue to pass and that any changes you make also have passing tests that exercise them. This will be done in it’s entirety for you when you submit PR. These runs will cover multiple operating systems, Python versions, and Qt libraries. They will also check formatting, the documentation build, and more.

Still, sometimes you would rather run the tests locally for potentially quicker feedback, the opportunity to debug, and less public observation of your every commit. You can run pytest, black, and sphinx directly from your own installation.

python -m venv testvenv
testvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
testvenv/bin/pip install --editable .[pyside2,checks,docs,tests]
testvenv/bin/pytest --pyargs qtrio

The CI test script, ci.sh, in the project root will run pytest with coverage (and fail to upload the coverage results, which is ok).

python -m venv testvenv
source testvenv/bin/activate

Automatic code reformatting is handled by black.

python -m venv testvenv
testvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
testvenv/bin/pip install black
testvenv/bin/black setup.py docs/ qtrio/

Linting is handled by flake8.

python -m venv testvenv
testvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
testvenv/bin/pip install flake8
testvenv/bin/flake8 setup.py docs/ qtrio/

The documentation can be built with sphinx.

python -m venv testvenv
testvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
testvenv/bin/pip install --editable .[pyside2,docs]
source testenv/bin/activate
cd docs/
make html --always-make

I don’t like to write the hazardous command that does it, but it is good to remove the entire docs/build/ directory prior to each build of the documentation. After building the documentation it can be loaded in your browser at file:///path/to/qtrio/docs/build/html/index.html.