Source code for qtrio.dialogs

import contextlib
import os
import sys
import typing

import async_generator
import attr
from qtpy import QtWidgets
import trio

import qtrio
import qtrio._qt
import qtrio._util

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Protocol
    from typing_extensions import Protocol

[docs]class BasicDialogProtocol(Protocol): """The minimal common interface used for working with QTrio dialogs. To check that a class implements this protocol see :func:`qtrio.dialogs.check_basic_dialog_protocol`. """ finished: qtrio.Signal """The signal to be emitted when the dialog is finished."""
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Setup and show the dialog. Emit :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown` when done. """
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """Hide and teardown the dialog."""
check_basic_dialog_protocol = qtrio._util.ProtocolChecker[BasicDialogProtocol]() """Assert proper implementation of :class:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol` when type hint checking. Arguments: cls: The class to verify. Returns: The same class, unmodified, that was passed in. """
[docs]class DialogProtocol(BasicDialogProtocol, Protocol): """The common interface used for working with QTrio dialogs. To check that a class implements this protocol see :func:`qtrio.dialogs.check_dialog_protocol`. """ shown: qtrio.Signal """The signal to be emitted when the dialog is shown."""
[docs] async def wait(self) -> object: """Show the dialog, wait for the user interaction, and return the result. Raises: qtrio.InvalidInputError: If the input can't be parsed as an integer. qtrio.UserCancelledError: If the user cancels the dialog. """
check_dialog_protocol = qtrio._util.ProtocolChecker[DialogProtocol]() """Assert proper implementation of :class:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol` when type hint checking. Arguments: cls: The class to verify. Returns: The same class, unmodified, that was passed in. """ @contextlib.contextmanager def _manage(dialog: BasicDialogProtocol) -> typing.Generator[trio.Event, None, None]: """Manage the setup and teardown of a dialog including yielding a :class:`trio.Event` that is set when the dialog is finished. Arguments: dialog: The dialog to be managed. """ finished_event = trio.Event() def slot(*args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: """Accept and ignore all arguments, then set the event.""" finished_event.set() with qtrio._qt.connection(signal=dialog.finished, slot=slot): try: dialog.setup() yield finished_event finally: dialog.teardown() def _dialog_button_box_buttons_by_role( dialog: QtWidgets.QDialog, ) -> typing.Mapping[QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole, QtWidgets.QAbstractButton]: """Create a mapping from button roles to their corresponding buttons.""" hits = dialog.findChildren(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox) if len(hits) == 0: return {} [button_box] = hits return {button_box.buttonRole(button): button for button in button_box.buttons()}
[docs]@check_dialog_protocol @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class IntegerDialog: """Manage a dialog for inputting an integer from the user. Generally instances should be built via :func:`qtrio.dialogs.create_integer_dialog`.""" parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None """The parent widget for the dialog.""" dialog: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QInputDialog] = None """The actual dialog widget instance.""" edit_widget: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QLineEdit] = None """The line edit that the user will enter the input into.""" accept_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The entry confirmation button.""" reject_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The input cancellation button.""" result: typing.Optional[int] = None """The result of parsing the user input.""" shown = qtrio.Signal(QtWidgets.QInputDialog) """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown`.""" finished = qtrio.Signal(int) # QtWidgets.QDialog.DialogCode """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.finished`."""
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.setup`.""" self.result = None self.dialog = QtWidgets.QInputDialog(self.parent) # TODO: adjust so we can use a context manager? self.dialog.finished.connect(self.finished) buttons = _dialog_button_box_buttons_by_role(dialog=self.dialog) self.accept_button = buttons.get(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.reject_button = buttons.get(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole) [self.edit_widget] = self.dialog.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) self.shown.emit(self.dialog)
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.teardown`.""" if self.dialog is not None: self.dialog.close() self.dialog.finished.disconnect(self.finished) self.dialog = None self.accept_button = None self.reject_button = None self.edit_widget = None
[docs] async def wait(self) -> int: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.wait`.""" with _manage(dialog=self) as finished_event: if self.dialog is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError( "Dialog not assigned while it is being managed." ) await finished_event.wait() if self.dialog.result() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: raise qtrio.UserCancelledError() try: self.result = int(self.dialog.textValue()) except ValueError: raise qtrio.InvalidInputError() return self.result
[docs]def create_integer_dialog( parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, ) -> IntegerDialog: """Create an integer input dialog. Arguments: parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.IntegerDialog.parent`. Returns: The dialog manager. """ return IntegerDialog(parent=parent)
[docs]@check_dialog_protocol @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class TextInputDialog: """Manage a dialog for inputting an integer from the user. Generally instances should be built via :func:`qtrio.dialogs.create_text_input_dialog`.""" title: typing.Optional[str] = None """The title of the dialog.""" label: typing.Optional[str] = None """The label for the input widget.""" parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None """The parent widget for the dialog.""" dialog: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QInputDialog] = None """The actual dialog widget instance.""" accept_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The entry confirmation button.""" reject_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The input cancellation button.""" line_edit: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QLineEdit] = None """The line edit that the user will enter the input into.""" result: typing.Optional[str] = None """The result of parsing the user input.""" shown = qtrio.Signal(QtWidgets.QInputDialog) """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown`.""" finished = qtrio.Signal(int) # QtWidgets.QDialog.DialogCode """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.finished`."""
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.setup`.""" self.result = None self.dialog = QtWidgets.QInputDialog(parent=self.parent) if self.label is not None: self.dialog.setLabelText(self.label) if self.title is not None: self.dialog.setWindowTitle(self.title) # TODO: adjust so we can use a context manager? self.dialog.finished.connect(self.finished) buttons = _dialog_button_box_buttons_by_role(dialog=self.dialog) self.accept_button = buttons[QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole] self.reject_button = buttons[QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole] [self.line_edit] = self.dialog.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) self.shown.emit(self.dialog)
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.teardown`.""" if self.dialog is not None: self.dialog.close() self.dialog.finished.disconnect(self.finished) self.dialog = None self.accept_button = None self.reject_button = None
[docs] async def wait(self) -> str: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.wait`.""" with _manage(dialog=self) as finished_event: if self.dialog is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError( "Dialog not assigned while it is being managed." ) await finished_event.wait() dialog_result = self.dialog.result() if dialog_result == QtWidgets.QDialog.Rejected: raise qtrio.UserCancelledError() # TODO: `: str` is a workaround for # text_result: str = self.dialog.textValue() self.result = text_result return text_result
[docs]def create_text_input_dialog( title: typing.Optional[str] = None, label: typing.Optional[str] = None, parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, ) -> TextInputDialog: """Create a text input dialog. Arguments: title: The text to use for the input dialog title bar. label: The text to use for the input text box label. parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.IntegerDialog.parent`. Returns: The dialog manager. """ return TextInputDialog(title=title, label=label, parent=parent)
[docs]@check_dialog_protocol @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class FileDialog: """Manage a dialog for allowing the user to select a file or directory. Generally instances should be built via :func:`qtrio.dialogs.create_file_save_dialog`.""" file_mode: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.FileMode """Controls whether the dialog is for picking an existing vs. new file or directory, etc. """ accept_mode: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AcceptMode """Specify an open vs. a save dialog.""" default_directory: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None """The directory to be initially presented in the dialog.""" default_file: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None """The file to be initially selected in the dialog.""" options: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option() """Miscellaneous options. See the Qt documentation.""" parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None """The parent widget for the dialog.""" dialog: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QFileDialog] = None """The actual dialog widget instance.""" accept_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The confirmation button.""" reject_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The cancellation button.""" file_name_line_edit: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QLineEdit] = None """The file name line edit widget.""" result: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None """The path selected by the user.""" shown = qtrio.Signal(QtWidgets.QFileDialog) """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown`.""" finished = qtrio.Signal(int) # QtWidgets.QDialog.DialogCode """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.finished`."""
[docs] async def set_path(self, path: trio.Path) -> None: """Set the directory and enter the file name in the text box. Note that this does not select the file in the file list. Arguments: path: The full path to the file to be set. """ if self.dialog is None: raise qtrio.DialogNotActiveError( "File dialog not available for interaction." ) self.dialog.setDirectory(os.fspath(path.parent)) if self.file_name_line_edit is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError("File name line edit unexpectedly not known.") self.file_name_line_edit.setText(
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.setup`.""" self.result = None extras = {} if self.default_directory is not None: extras["directory"] = os.fspath(self.default_directory) options = self.options if sys.platform == "darwin": # options |= QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog self.dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog( parent=self.parent, options=options, **extras ) if self.default_file is not None: self.dialog.selectFile(os.fspath(self.default_file)) self.dialog.setFileMode(self.file_mode) self.dialog.setAcceptMode(self.accept_mode) # TODO: adjust so we can use a context manager? self.dialog.finished.connect(self.finished) buttons = _dialog_button_box_buttons_by_role(dialog=self.dialog) self.accept_button = buttons.get(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) self.reject_button = buttons.get(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole) [self.file_name_line_edit] = self.dialog.findChildren(QtWidgets.QLineEdit) self.shown.emit(self.dialog)
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.teardown`.""" if self.dialog is not None: self.dialog.close() self.dialog.finished.disconnect(self.finished) self.dialog = None self.accept_button = None self.reject_button = None self.file_name_line_edit = None
[docs] async def wait(self) -> trio.Path: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.wait`.""" with _manage(dialog=self) as finished_event: if self.dialog is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError( "Dialog not assigned while it is being managed." ) await finished_event.wait() if self.dialog.result() != QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: raise qtrio.UserCancelledError() [path_string] = self.dialog.selectedFiles() self.result = trio.Path(path_string) return self.result
[docs]def create_file_save_dialog( parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, default_directory: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None, default_file: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None, options: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option(), ) -> FileDialog: """Create a file save dialog. Arguments: parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.parent`. default_directory: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.default_directory`. default_file: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.default_file`. options: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.options`. """ return FileDialog( parent=parent, default_directory=default_directory, default_file=default_file, options=options, file_mode=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AnyFile, accept_mode=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AcceptSave, )
[docs]def create_file_open_dialog( parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, default_directory: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None, default_file: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None, options: QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option(), ) -> FileDialog: """Create a file open dialog. Arguments: parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.parent`. default_directory: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.default_directory`. default_file: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.default_file`. options: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.FileDialog.options`. """ return FileDialog( parent=parent, default_directory=default_directory, default_file=default_file, options=options, file_mode=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AnyFile, accept_mode=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, )
[docs]@check_dialog_protocol @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class MessageBox: """Manage a message box for notifying the user. Generally instances should be built via :func:`qtrio.dialogs.create_message_box`. """ title: str """The message box title.""" text: str """The message text shown inside the dialog.""" icon: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon """The icon shown inside the dialog.""" buttons: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButtons """The buttons to be shown in the dialog.""" parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None """The parent widget for the dialog.""" dialog: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QMessageBox] = None """The actual dialog widget instance.""" accept_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The button to accept the dialog.""" result: typing.Optional[trio.Path] = None """Not generally relevant for a message box.""" shown = qtrio.Signal(QtWidgets.QMessageBox) """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown`.""" finished = qtrio.Signal(int) # QtWidgets.QDialog.DialogCode """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.finished`."""
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.setup`.""" self.result = None self.dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox( self.icon, self.title, self.text, self.buttons, self.parent ) # TODO: adjust so we can use a context manager? self.dialog.finished.connect(self.finished) buttons = _dialog_button_box_buttons_by_role(dialog=self.dialog) self.accept_button = buttons[QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole] self.shown.emit(self.dialog)
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.teardown`.""" if self.dialog is not None: self.dialog.close() self.dialog = None self.accept_button = None
[docs] async def wait(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.wait`.""" with _manage(dialog=self) as finished_event: if self.dialog is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError( "Dialog not assigned while it is being managed." ) await finished_event.wait() result = self.dialog.result() if result == QtWidgets.QDialog.Rejected: raise qtrio.UserCancelledError()
[docs]def create_message_box( title: str = "", text: str = "", icon: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information, buttons: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButtons = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, ) -> MessageBox: """Create a message box. Arguments: title: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.MessageBox.title`. text: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.MessageBox.text`. icon: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.MessageBox.icon`. buttons: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.MessageBox.buttons`. parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.MessageBox.parent`. """ return MessageBox(icon=icon, title=title, text=text, buttons=buttons, parent=parent)
[docs]@check_basic_dialog_protocol @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ProgressDialog: """Manage a progress dialog for updating the user. Generally instances should be built via :func:`qtrio.dialogs.create_progress_dialog`. """ title: str """The message box title.""" text: str """The message text shown as the progress bar label.""" cancel_button_text: typing.Optional[str] """The cancel button text.""" minimum: int """The progress value corresponding to no progress.""" maximum: int """The progress value corresponding to completion.""" parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None """The parent widget for the dialog.""" dialog: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QProgressDialog] = None """The actual dialog widget instance.""" cancel_button: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QPushButton] = None """The cancellation button.""" shown = qtrio.Signal(QtWidgets.QMessageBox) """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.DialogProtocol.shown`.""" finished = qtrio.Signal(int) # QtWidgets.QDialog.DialogCode """See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.finished`."""
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.setup`.""" self.final_value = None self.dialog = QtWidgets.QProgressDialog() self.dialog.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.dialog.setLabelText(self.text) self.dialog.setMinimum(self.minimum) self.dialog.setMaximum(self.maximum) self.dialog.setParent(self.parent) # TODO: adjust so we can use a context manager? self.dialog.finished.connect(self.finished) if self.cancel_button_text is not None: self.dialog.setCancelButtonText(self.cancel_button_text) [self.cancel_button] = self.dialog.findChildren(QtWidgets.QPushButton) self.shown.emit(self.dialog)
[docs] def teardown(self) -> None: """See :meth:`qtrio.dialogs.BasicDialogProtocol.teardown`.""" if self.dialog is not None: self.dialog.close() self.dialog.finished.disconnect(self.finished) self.dialog = None self.cancel_button = None
[docs] @async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def manage(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[None]: """A context manager to setup the progress dialog, cancel the managed context and teardown the dialog when done. """ with _manage(dialog=self): if self.dialog is None: # pragma: no cover raise qtrio.InternalError( "Dialog not assigned while it is being managed." ) with trio.CancelScope() as cancel_scope: with qtrio._qt.connection( signal=self.dialog.canceled, slot=cancel_scope.cancel ): yield if self.dialog.wasCanceled(): raise qtrio.UserCancelledError()
[docs]def create_progress_dialog( title: str = "", text: str = "", cancel_button_text: typing.Optional[str] = None, minimum: int = 0, maximum: int = 0, parent: typing.Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, ) -> ProgressDialog: """Create a progress dialog. Arguments: title: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.title`. text: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.text`. cancel_button_text: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.cancel_button_text`. minimum: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.minimum`. maximum: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.maximum`. parent: See :attr:`qtrio.dialogs.ProgressDialog.parent`. """ return ProgressDialog( title=title, text=text, cancel_button_text=cancel_button_text, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, parent=parent, )